Sunday, August 3, 2014


Hey guys. It's been a while - I've been busy, been working through some hard stuff. It's late - looking out my window everything is dark, and the lights of my little town shine through foggy dark. Beautiful. Today God's grace was obvious, popping up everywhere, through family, friends. Even through change. I have work in the morning. I need to sleep; but I found a poem that I'd penned a few months ago that I want to share.

It's my cellar
I tell them
my friends and my family
My cellar
And it is
I don't let them in
and when they ask why
That's what I tell them
Because of fears lurking
Lurking in those dark cellar corners
My fears, I suppose
Human's fail me
time and time again forever
That's true, I know

My cellar
And I
I haven't let anyone in with me
I don't go in myself
Into my cellar
Well, unless I have to --
sometimes those fears make lot's of noise
I have to shut them up
You tell me.

 Then the light came
You know light
It shines in corners
and I heard him say
May I come in?
Holding not my own head high
holding his hand tight instead

We walked into my cellar
Walked in with light
the light of understanding
showed up those dark corners
Dark, dark corners
with my old enemies, fears
I saw them fade
Because fear, really, it's abstract
it doesn't stand, solid, in light
it's vapor
 Only terrible in the dark

And then, my tired soul
he carried through my cellar
and it became our cellar
and now
I don't go in there anymore
It's filled with good, good earth.
And that's what he does
with every cellar
in my heart.

Goodnight, everyone.